您现在的位置是:网站首页 > 心得技巧 > 操作系统操作系统
现在就可以使用unrar命令进行解压了:unrar e <rar文件>
[root@iZbp16sksdu04rk7tj72xdZ 20190425]# unrar e 8b668ce8-7a3c-4fe5-b3e8-6c0797ce7176.rar
UNRAR 5.71 beta 2 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2019 Alexander Roshal
Extracting from 8b668ce8-7a3c-4fe5-b3e8-6c0797ce7176.rar
Extracting pom.xml OK
Extracting BaseController.java OK
Extracting BookController.java OK
Extracting SchoolController.java OK
Extracting StudentController.java OK
Extracting BaseDao.java OK
Extracting BookDao.java OK
Extracting BookDaoImpl.java OK
Extracting SchoolDaoImpl.java OK
Extracting StudentDaoImpl.java OK
Extracting SchoolDao.java OK
Extracting StudentDao.java OK
Extracting Book.java OK
Extracting School.java OK
Extracting Student.java OK
Extracting BookService.java OK
Extracting BookServiceImpl.java OK
Extracting SchoolServiceImpl.java OK
Extracting StudentServiceImpl.java OK
Extracting SchoolService.java OK
Extracting StudentService.java OK
Extracting applicationContext.xml OK
Extracting hibernate.cfg.xml OK
Extracting Book.hbm.xml OK
Extracting School.hbm.xml OK
Extracting Student.hbm.xml OK
Extracting struts.xml OK
Extracting wolff.sql OK
Extracting book_list.jsp OK
Extracting book_maintain.jsp OK
Extracting index.jsp OK
Extracting jquery-1.9.0.min.js OK
Extracting school_list.jsp OK
Extracting school_maintain.jsp OK
Extracting student_list.jsp OK
Extracting student_maintain.jsp OK
Extracting web.xml OK
All OK
[root@iZbp16sksdu04rk7tj72xdZ 20190425]#
UNRAR 5.71 beta 2 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2019 Alexander Roshal
Usage: unrar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
<@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>
e Extract files without archived paths
l[t[a],b] List archive contents [technical[all], bare]
p Print file to stdout
t Test archive files
v[t[a],b] Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]
x Extract files with full path
- Stop switches scanning
@[+] Disable [enable] file lists
ad Append archive name to destination path
ag[format] Generate archive name using the current date
ai Ignore file attributes
ap<path> Set path inside archive
c- Disable comments show
cfg- Disable read configuration
cl Convert names to lower case
cu Convert names to upper case
dh Open shared files
ep Exclude paths from names
ep3 Expand paths to full including the drive letter
f Freshen files
id[c,d,p,q] Disable messages
ierr Send all messages to stderr
inul Disable all messages
kb Keep broken extracted files
n<file> Additionally filter included files
n@ Read additional filter masks from stdin
n@<list> Read additional filter masks from list file
o[+|-] Set the overwrite mode
ol[a] Process symbolic links as the link [absolute paths]
or Rename files automatically
ow Save or restore file owner and group
p[password] Set password
p- Do not query password
r Recurse subdirectories
sc<chr>[obj] Specify the character set
sl<size> Process files with size less than specified
sm<size> Process files with size more than specified
ta[mcao]<d> Process files modified after <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS date
tb[mcao]<d> Process files modified before <d> YYYYMMDDHHMMSS date
tn[mcao]<t> Process files newer than <t> time
to[mcao]<t> Process files older than <t> time
ts[m,c,a] Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
u Update files
v List all volumes
ver[n] File version control
vp Pause before each volume
x<file> Exclude specified file
x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin
x@<list> Exclude files listed in specified list file
y Assume Yes on all queries
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